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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I would say this falls apart when it gets to physical copies. Used sales, trading, borrowing, watching/playing together, recap videos or long-form reviews etc all can “deprive” value from seller’s immediate perspective (also for some things: DIY, clone recipes, dumpster diving etc). Also I don’t expect a company to have even the ability to determine if a downloader has ownership (especially if the only record is a physical receipt) before firing legal scares at people. It is even more pointless when a product is past its original life cycle.

    Fresh in the box office and before ROI sure, I can see a point (say for the source of a cam rip). But I could also see reviews or comments, spoilers etc to possibly have a greater effect than the cost of 1 ticket.

    Either way I’d say if people have the ability to pay, they will if the product is good and the company/service is respectable. That’s the point here, that paying customers are ultimately screwed over (just as I’m sure most employees/creators not at the very top were, because money). Also unsatisfied customers, lack of demos, lack of agreeable purchase methods/terms (also, too much splitting with subscriptions), lack of ability to give more direct support to creators (rather than publishers) etc.

    That and I don’t think the government should do much to protect the profits of highly successful entertainment companies who have massive budgets on lackluster ideas and underbaked products. The news of being able to trash a nearly-complete movie for a tax writeoff is terrible, for instance.

  • monkeys with a 3rd robot arm

    Not sure if it’s the same, but I see a video of that and the monkey’s arms are partially restricted and still moving (and another where it says reenactment at the start). Interesting, but it might just be a cloned signal rather than independent control.

    Though I guess swapping between sets and some basic controls (hold, gimbal, return to rest pose etc) wouldn’t be bad (especially the more naturally it can be controlled) it just seems like something different if it isn’t independent control.

    full-brain mesh of electrodes, could allow people to use multiple full bodies at once
    or that multiple brains couldn’t be connected and made work in parallel (brain hemispheres already do that

    I’ve had the exact opposite thought, multiple brains (in the sense of multiple people) residing in the same body. Usage shifts (to allow rest), partial control, or even simply observation/eyes-in-the-back-of-your-head/backup/advice/talking etc.

    That definitely would allow at least 4 arms.

    On a sidenote, in the Blender Open Movie CHARGE there’s a cool robot design where it starts out with 1 big (no-hand) arm and 2 little arms on the other side and then it transforms that into 2 normal arms.

  • I often think about a skeuomorphic VR experience. Like a virtual room inside your own head that doesn’t cut you off from senses available to your body, at most it’d just be presented in a different way much like the cartoon/trope (though things like hearing/smell/temperature could definitely stay direct). Even then, I’m not sure if certain things like tilt or momentum etc should be represented or if that should just be always-on.

    Though for me I’d want it to mostly just be the equivalent of a body tracker (plus mouse/KB/controller emulation) that’s hooked up to a single-board-computer that can be more easily swapped out/upgraded etc (or use any normal desktop). As in no internet directly to the brain. Which would be good enough to play all of today’s VR games and jump out of it easier than taking off a headset and trackers.

    Direct input of a computer screen would probably be easier and good enough most of the time, though. Then again, it might be cool to invite people into your brain house. Also in some cases imagine controlling your body with dials/levers and/or coordinates (and visualized data) but also still feeling it.

  • I would say there are a lot of factors. Lack of: money, energy/health, transportation/infrastructure, destinations, time etc.

    Anecdotal, but I live in a very small town/village in the US, I’m close to a trail so I got a (weak/cheap+has gears) eBike and I didn’t even have it for 4 months before the trail closed for renovations… and 6 months later it still is so I haven’t left the house since then. Granted it was more of an activity/utility thing but it was still good mentally and I was still getting into it.

    Also see something like Bowling Alone, you probably aren’t going to be very social even at a sit-down restaurant as most people probably don’t see it as a social thing (aside from maybe the main counter at a bar/diner and even that is subject to unreliable factors).

  • I mean it is different from reddit in that now instead of 1 server with arbitrarily divided communities, now you have as many as are popular and it is more visible because there isn’t enough content. If there are tons of users are all in one place it might make sense for something like /r/bees , but here I think it’d be better served with a tag like #bees for all instances ( ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶c̶u̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶/̶m̶e̶d̶i̶a̶ more serious than I thought, but you’d need to bookmark that tag unless there are other features I’m unaware of). Whereas beekeeping does make more sense as a community.

    I could also see it being interesting for unified communities. It would be mostly the same as now in most ways except posts would be visible from all instances (if federation is on and that community is not blocked). Mods would moderate their own instance (and nothing would stop users from posting to a different instance of the community if they so choose) though limited mod sharing could be a thing. So really it’s just something to make things less annoying than subbing to 3+ communities (hopefully with link/story merging too as my first comment mentions).

    Also with divided communities in mind, why not make posting to multiple communities in one go (tied together thus not cluttering new, and possibly allowing community-specific versions) a thing?

  • I see it more of federation copying the structure and posting habits, despite repeating its mistakes while also making said mistakes worse.

    What I’d like to see is global posting for some things (and those things using tags, topics, events/timelines etc) such as news and some types of videos. You’d still be discussing it on your instance (further unification could be done, or maybe just quick-switching what instance comment section you’re looking at/posting on) only now most of the time it’d be on a topic/event itself or on specific coverage of it.

    If someone wants to post it to a community, they can make a thread with their own take (hopefully something substantial, but it’d depend on the community) for people to comment on instead. Thus better grouping and filtering.

    Any text post, original content, or less general content would function the same. And perhaps posting links could even work the same posting-wise, just auto-generating a global link thread for people to discuss if they don’t want to comment on the community post that originated it (which hopefully means articles have something to discuss or at least are a very good fit for the community that they’re in).