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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • The NDP already represent a lot of what the majority of Canadians want, but fearmongering about sOciALiSm, and the party having to move more towards the center to try and meet the Liberals halfway has diluted their brand.

    The people who would never vote for them anyways think that they’re too far left, and the people who used to support them see them as too-eager-to-please to the current Liberal government.

    If you could magically snap away people’s preconcieved notions and team mentality towards politics, and had them read party policies carte blanche, I think a large portion of Canadians would go NDP, especially if they went back to their traditional policies and mindset.

  • It still doesnt matter if its valued at $650,000 (average home price in Canada).

    Even with “only” needing a 5% downpayment as a first time home buyer, thats still a $32,500 nest egg you need to save up for, which I am not convinced a lot of people can do without serious help from their parents or other benefactors.

    A massive shift needs to happen to bring home prices back to reality. A 3 bedroom middle class family home should not casually be a million dollar property, as it is in many, many large cities across canada.

  • We tend to consume a lot of American media, whether it be music, movies, tv, etc.

    With the advent of social media, that got cranked up to 11. So, we have the same impressionable people being targeted by US-style far right propaganda and you can already see its effects.

    Someone like Erin O’Toole was exactly what the conservative party needed to bring more people from the center to the Torys, but as soon as he lost one election, they booted him to the curb in favour of Alt-Right Milhouse, who was cozying up to the Convoy protestors and being called “a Superstar for the Far Right” by none other than InfoWars owner and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

    I just hope to god our apathy doesnt take over and allow that cretin and his cronies form government and keep carving up our country and environment to the detriment of everyone but the ultra-wealthy.