The main pic looks straight from a Ghibli movie for me.
The main pic looks straight from a Ghibli movie for me.
It is always cool to have one to rule them all.
I did not even know that was possible… I have seen an addon called StremioX is that the one you are referring too?
but with cross-device syncing
For real bro, Cloudstream is the ultimate app whether you want it for TV shows or anime (if you want 4K movies here, you might look at other alternatives).
Aside from account syncing if they could integrate with a Debrid service CS would be the ultimate app for everything (maybe Kodi is the only adversary, only because it is widely available and also has a similar extension feature, but also lacks account syncing and this is a bigger pain in the ass with Kodi).
It was interesting as a concept, but streaming torrents have never been the optimal way… Another vote for a debrid service.
Not OP but I’d think he means about increasing their prices, locking down the account sharing and reducing the content (not made by themselves) at the same time.
My friend, we are in a piracy community what else would we do here if it is not… Share knowledge.
Because Spotify bad duh, this is Lemmy we don’t use bad things here.
I mean, that is correct, but you make it seem like the CFW is about hundreds of GBs and you need to compile it yourself… I think it is just replacing some files/folders of mere MBs.
I’d get both, I have both 🙂
Strangely enough, I only play online with the DS, since long before having the Switch and even today lol.
Easily fixable with other firmware such as YSMenu.
lol you really caught off guard with the “Goggles Music Manager”, I thought it was a front end for YT music or some shit like that haha.
I know, it just looks like an RSS with extra steps, regardless I think it is cool.
This looks pretty awesome.
I don’t have a Linux machine anymore (only a Synology NAS) but if I had one I’d be in this rabbit hole too lol (tweaking it to look beautiful AF).
I love Harry Potter, what are you gonna do, block me? /s
For me all the hate Rowling gets just helps to make this brand bigger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I remember when PopcornTime was the thing!
It was everywhere on the news websites haha.
I’ll never get why, in a privacy community that doesn’t come up without asking.
Ah, I see you also choke yours with softwarr…
I have the same model as you and I also wonder when it will explode lol (mostly because I have it in my ROM and can hear when it is struggling).
I have it with lots of docker containers (I can’t help it, it is my only server) and the drives never cease to spin.
I actually don’t recall since when I have it but it must be similar as you as well…
Just as of recently started to do clean up of containers and such, mostly because I did a fuck up (I deleted with Portainer all my unused volumes which, strangely enough for me, got rid of Portainer’s volume, I needed to recreate all my stacks/compose from portainer each one, so I cleaned up some stuff in the process).
This seems like double work, do you have this automated?