meinaan että sitä laskua kertyy päivältä luokkaa 50c (?) jos nettiä käyttää yhtään. hirmu kallis tuo 26e edelleen on verrattuna moihin.
meinaan että sitä laskua kertyy päivältä luokkaa 50c (?) jos nettiä käyttää yhtään. hirmu kallis tuo 26e edelleen on verrattuna moihin.
eikö tuo dot tuu ihan yhtä kalliiksi kun laskuttavat minimisumman päivältä aina jos on yksikin bitti dataa liikkunut?
onko sakko isompi kuin penkille ripuloimisesta koituva lasku?
i suggest you split your disk and try linux in the other partition way before w10 ends, because there’s still a bit of a learning curve and getting used to. for me it took a few tries, a few different distros. i went back to windows for a while a couple of times when i accidentally killed my penquin. btw disable fast startup from windows power button settings if you go this route, that’ll save you from a lot of head scratching. i ended up with mint because it seems to be the only distro that works perfectly with my buggy ass 3060ti.
first visual inspection: is there any rash or poop or anything nasty in there? then sniff.
prevent paying more for shipping by not using amazon at all.
I’m so glad I joined lemmy because it made me try out linux too. Haven’t touched my windows partition for months. Used nobara for a while, didn’t play nice with nvidia. Mint has been working almost perfectly.
we have 50 MB/s and i have capped my gf’s phone dl speed to 3 so she would get mad and pay for a faster connection