• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is not a good opinion piece. The piece title suggests that other parties cough conservatives cough have better plans, then doesn’t mention any, then says liberal bail reforms do seem to be working, then concludes with, “we need to collect more data”.

    Wow “we should study violent crime to better understand its root causes” what a thought provoking opinion.

    I had to look up what the crime severity index is.

    The Crime Severity Index tracks changes in the severity of police-reported crime by accounting for both the amount of crime reported by police in a given jurisdiction and the relative seriousness of these crimes. It tells us not only how much crime is coming to the attention of police, but also about the seriousness of that crime.

    The specific weight for any given type of offence consists of two parts. The first component is the incarceration rate for that offence type. This is the proportion of people convicted of the offence who are sentenced to time in prison. The second component is the average (mean) length of the prison sentence, in days, for the specific type of offence.

    I’m still a little confused. If the number of all crimes including muggings stays the same but they start to punish mugging more severely, the index goes up? Even though the number of crimes is the same?

    Also the data he is referencing is for 2022, like he can’t wait for 2022 data?

  • Hunka was part of a division of Ukrainian volunteers under Nazi command.

    This is minimizing it. He was part of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. (From Wikipedia:) The SS was the military wing of the Nazi party. The man swore an oath to Hitler.

    I understand that a young man that:

    -Grew up in a region recovering from the Russian Civil War
    -Grew up during the mass murder and starvation of the soviet purge of the kulaks
    -Was subjected to nationalistic propaganda  (Nazi and other)

    might have great animosity towards the Soviets, and be inclined to join any force opposing them. I’m not asserting that Hunka was a bad person and should have known better, but he may have been. I’m not saying Canada was wrong to admit him as a displaced person, but we might have been. To minimize the Nazi ties of the Waffen SS is not responsible.

    His division might have:

    Trigger Warning Gore

    cut open the belly of a pregnant Polish woman and smashed the infant on the wall so that it was the last thing the mother saw before she died.

    (This is one of the allegations against the SS division he served in, just a small example of what’s alleged at the massacre at Huta Pieniacka)

    Wikipedia references a publication that claims the Soviets managed to capture several hundred of the SS division in question, a few weeks after the massacre and concluded they had participated in the massacre. The captured SS soldiers were executed. Maybe none of the guilty survived.

    Parliamentary guests should be vetted. I actually think a letter from Hunka decrying propaganda, dictatorship and imperialism and celebrating a democratic and pluralistic Ukraine would have been a great thing to applaud in Parliament.

    We should mock anyone saying this procedural failure shows Ukraine has significant Nazi sympathies. Or that Canada is soft on Nazis. This was a bureaucratic oversight that had embarrassing fallout. I’m angry that it happened, but let’s have a sense of scale.

  • I’m with you.

    I agree that SM isn’t serving Canadians, and that we should have a system that protects domestic dairy farmers and other ‘staple’ producers as an essential part of our national food security infrastructure. A well regulated market is the answer here.

    A bit of a nonsequiter but: Instead of trusting a precariously funded patchwork of volunteer organizations, we should have a national system for getting food to hungry Canadians. I think we should leverage the existing national food distribution oligopoly (Loblaw/Sobey) to accomplish this.

  • Oxford Economics, a private, for profit, market research firm performed the research.

    Profit oriented research firms have an interest in generating headlines which drive institutions to pay for their complete analysis.

    Was their research undertaken under their own initiative or was the research commissioned? If commissioned, by whom? and what influence did the commissioning party have over the scope of the research, and the decision to release the brief?

    We need independent academia to mitigate the biases of for profit research.

    Just my two cents ($0.015 USD).