How does this work legally? The article mentions that it can’t be enforced by police. And I’m sure that it’s also not really in the power of local villages to ban checking a WhatsApp in a public park.
How does this work legally? The article mentions that it can’t be enforced by police. And I’m sure that it’s also not really in the power of local villages to ban checking a WhatsApp in a public park.
You might want to check out what the EU strategy really contains.
There will be some lawsuit in the future somewhere in Europe. And the judge will rightfully rule that you can’t get an “informed consent” from your users for 800 tracking companies just by letting them click a button with dark patterns.
Alternative headline: Kosovo serbs are raising ethnic tensions by refusing to use the official currency of the country they live in
Are we? Please tell my boss, he apparently wasn’t informed about this.
Yeah, British people got played dirty. A lead of 3,78% is not a real mandate for such a strong move. There was so much propaganda out there - anyone remember the NHS bus? Does anyone remember how much Russian influence campaigns were going on even then? And how extreme the British media was?
Many residents of the UK were not allowed to vote, all EU citizens for example or younger people, and they are also massively affected. And now, 8 years on, many of the older voters have also died. So “well, you voted for this, get fucked by your own greedy elites” is not the best argument to solve this mess
And that is why Vice is a trash publication. Here is the correct text:
„Alle potenziellen Zuwendungsempfängerinnen und –empfänger bekennen sich damit zu einer vielfältigen Gesellschaft und gegen jede Form von Antisemitismus gemäß der Antisemitismus-Definition der International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) und ihrer Erweiterung durch die Bundesregierung. Sie verpflichten sich dazu, alles Notwendige zu veranlassen, um sicherzustellen, dass die gewährten Fördergelder keinen Vereinigungen zugutekommen, die als terroristisch und/oder extremistisch eingestuft werden.“ “All potential grant recipients are thus committed to a diverse society and against all forms of antisemitism in accordance with the definition of antisemitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and its extension by the German government. They undertake to take all necessary steps to ensure that the funding granted does not benefit associations that are classified as terrorist and/or extremist.”
And what is in the IHRA-definition?
“Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews that can be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Anti-Semitism is directed in word or deed against Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property as well as against Jewish community institutions or religious institutions. In addition, the state of Israel, which is understood as a Jewish collective, can also be the target of such attacks.”
There’s nothing in there about “criticising the countries occupation of Palestinian lands”. You just can’t fucking mask your antisemitism by raging against Israel.
I still don’t know why this guy is still allowed to visit our country.
Kind of crazy seeing all the problems parents have here in germany and the whole discussion about the recent PISA study here and everything else and then being told that this is, well, top of the world.
It’s a smart move for a spammer to create a lot of accounts in the early days of a platform, before more restrictive signups with mail verification, phone verification or captchas are in place. Look at how difficult it has become to register on Twitter or Facebook.
If you cut off russia from the internet, you will gain nothing. Because the FSB is clever enough to operate in other countries. Go to poland. Get a few SIM cards. Start a company in Kenia as a front and use it to funnel hacker into the internet. Rent a flat in Germany and get a landline. Ukraine already raided russian desinformation centers in their own country - they just did rent a flat and brought a few hundred phones with them.