• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • When they had a “housing crisis”, the USSR built a shitload of prefab concrete housing, the famous “commieblock” buildings. They were imposing, ugly, and made out of load bearing asbestos, but they succeeded in their goal of transforming an impoverished rural serf society into an urbanized industrial powerhouse. While you can and should criticize the Soviet Union, their housing project of the early/mid 20th century was the singular most successful social project in history.

    I’m not saying we need “commieblocks”, but we definitely need high quality mass produced social housing in this country. We will simply never be able to solve the problem by building endless suburbs of timber and rockwoll shacks. It won’t “destroy the real estate market” because loads of people will still want their own homes eventually, but for everybody else it will be a great improvement over what we have now.

  • My understanding was that it was intended as an “emergency brake” - a circuit breaker that could be tripped in an urgent situation, at the cost of the user’s career. But, that requires a politically literate population that would discourage its use.

    So, instead we have strongman premiers using it as a hammer to point their profoundly unpopular policies through, and an apathetic and disengaged voter base willing to look the other way.

    I see it as part of the broader erosion of the “checks and balances” we were assured would prevent this type of creeping dismantling of democracy.

  • The nuclear power industry is essentially the only one that’s been mandated to be responsible for the cleanup of the entire lifecycle of their product. No other industry has to pay clean up after the mining, refining, use, recycling, long term storage, and disposal. And to be clear, that’s good – every industry should be like that. Nobody should have the “freedom” to dump without repercussions.

    I think if the fossil fuel industry also had to shoulder the costs of all their externalities, they would be far less profitable than nuclear power. The entire industry is basically reliant on their ability to dump toxic garbage wherever they want, because if they couldn’t do that, there would be no industry.