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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You can’t really even find a 10+ TB SSD easily right now let alone anything approaching 20, so it’s a moot point for now anyway. All that pricing stuff is cyclical though. There was a big spike in SSD prices a couple years ago prior to that huge price drop we just saw. It’ll come back down again eventually.

    We just moved over to a HDD setup recently because I had run out of space on SSD and the amount of space is great, but I forgot how much I hate HDD seek and transfer times and I’m not gonna invest in RAID for now so I guess this is my life.

    Might be smart to maybe keep my most active shows on an SSD and the rest of the catalog on the HDD.

  • Yep I remember this pattern of behavior distinctly from last time.

    One of the big ones that sticks out is you start seeing a lot of people claiming to be democrats or left aligned showing up all of a sudden and being big time concern trolls and talking about sitting out the election and/or claiming that there’s no difference between voting democrat or republican, which is demonstrably absolute horse shit.

    And just a lot of added vitriol. It seems like even politically unrelated discussions get meaner and more argumentative. I expect it’s just gonna get worse as we get closer to November. It’s only the beginning February. Ugh.

  • Yeah agreed on the trending problem on Mastodon. In fact, as a whole it does a pretty poor job of serving interesting content without putting in some work. The only way I’ve been able to get a stream of stuff I actually want to see is by filtering a lot of stuff out and following a lot of specific hashtags.

    I think the problem they’re wrestling with is definitely technical but also partly philosophical. Because when you start doing trending content, you start looking at some amount of algorithmic aggregation and that can get messy when you’re positioning yourself as a network that specifically doesn’t play the algorithmic BS game like the Metas and Twitters of the world.

  • We ended up being the only committed nation block (whatever) while anyone else (namely China, India and the USA) kept doing little or nothing, token contributions if any, but few long run plans like we did.

    If the EU played it that way on every issue, it would be a much shittier place to live.

    A great example is the worker protections many of us enjoy here. We could be more competitive with shittier countries on that front and drive down worker benefits and quality of life, but who wants to live like the working class in China or even a lot of the US? It’s god awful. Doing all your policy based on the desires of industry is a recipe for dystopia.