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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Hmm. “Couldn’t rule out” ≠ “does”. I can understand wanting to hold a claim of damage to a slightly higher standard of proof. I can also understand wanting to err on the side of caution.

    On trhe one hand, this looks like a nothingburger to me—likely this stuff is no more dangerous than, say, table salt (which no one expects to completely remove from processed foods even though it has known medical risks associated with it).

    On the other hand, titanium dioxide is just a colourant, so taking it out doesn’t alter the food in any way that matters.


  • There are plenty of them still around—much of the Boomer generation was in elementary school before widespread administration of MMR and polio vaccines, or at least knew people a few years older who were. Thing is, they’re not the ones making the decisions about whether to vaccinate youngsters these days. Their own kids—GenX like me (and I suspect you as well), and some early Millenials—all got the vaccines.

  • Charge any company in posession of a shipping container believed to contain stolen vehicles with posession of stolen property or something to that effect if they don’t immediately set it aside to be checked by law enforcement, and tighten up the paperwork required for shipping used vehicles generally. Make the corporations perform due diligence, and it will suddenly be a lot harder to get stolen vehicles out of the country. If that means each shipping company has to hire someone to stand there and check VINs against a list while some other company is loading cars into containers, so be it.

    In the meanwhile, buy compact cars rather than SUVs or pickups, because they seem to be less-desirable theft targets.

  • At what point does a child become autonomous enough to make their own decisions about their values?

    Middle school-ish. It might make sense to tie it to the age of criminal responsibility (that is, the age at which you’re assumed to have enough understanding of right and wrong to be charged with a crime in your own right), which, in Canada, is 12.

  • You willing to pay $100 per burger? How about $1000? A cow isn’t sterile. You’re starting with contaminated source, so you have to decontaminate it, test it to make sure it really is decontaminated, and seal it medical-grade sterile to ensure no contaminants are reintroduced. And it all goes out the window the moment someone screws up, which happens even with food that absolutely must be sterile, as proven by the shenanigans with baby formula over the past few years. It simply isn’t worth it when cooking ground beef thoroughly is so much easier and cheaper, and most of the population is okay with it.

  • As far as I can tell, there are two real problems with Quebec’s language policies in general:

    1. Too many sticks and not enough carrots: the Quebec government can’t seem to find a way to make anyone want to learn French for its own sake. They can only force people to learn it against their will.

    2. They’re solving the wrong problem: Whether adults arriving from outside of Quebec learn French doesn’t actually matter much. You measure the health of a language by seeing how many children are learning it as a first language, or one of their first languages. French is not in danger in Quebec by that measure. French is not in danger in Ontario by that measure, even though the Ontario government’s policies regarding the French language for at least the past fifty years have wobbled back and forth between “lukewarm tolerant” and “weakly supportive”.

    Thing is, I’d bet the politicians in Quebec know they’re solving the wrong problem. Like ultraconservatives, they’re playing to a fear that they’ve carefully instilled into their base.