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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I said this in another post on this topic: this is a white guy who is shocked–shocked, I tell you!–to find out that the legal system doesn’t just punish brown people.

    FINTRAC was freezing bank accounts on brown people with impunity in the 2000s, but white conservatives didn’t care, but oh no, now the law applies to them and they’re finding out that, holy shit, the law is a motherfucker. And do they think it’s unfair to everyone? That perhaps we need to reexamine things and think about civil liberties? Nope, it’s Big Daddy Justin being mean to them, it can’t be that they’re finally getting the experience what everyone else has.

    Hell hast no whining like a white conservative who’s found out that the law applies to them, too.

  • Companies are about to find out just how expensive it is to remove front line labour.

    They don’t care. The executives that made this decision already got their bonus for it. If they have to retrench, they’ll simply try this again in a few years.

    Corporate and stock-market incentive structures are…perverse. They incentivize very short horizons, usually a quarter or at most a year. We’d have a much less sick society if those in charge weren’t allowed to realize gains for at least five to ten years.

    And yes, I’m aware that communism worked on the idea of a five- or ten-year plan and it had problems with dealing with short-term supply-chain issues. Market-based solutions work great for things like warehousing, logistics or distribution because the feedback is immediate and the costs aren’t externalized. Where the costs are external and long-term, but the profit in realized in the short term, market solutions fail.

  • I’m going to say again if the liberals drop the ball on providing a single payer pharmacare in Canada they’re going to hand the election to conservatives

    The Liberals do not want to expand the state. People need to understand this: they’re small-L neoliberals to their craven, money-grubbing core that differ from the Conservatives in that they don’t care who you fuck. They like taxes low, regulations light and the public->private money faucet turned up real high.

    Once you understand this, most Liberal (and Conservative) policy makes sense: they want to stay in office, and what services they’re forced to provide have to be “market-based” and involve some way for your taxes to fund some rich dude. This is why “pharmacare” won’t be national and single-payer, it’ll be “market based” and involve some way for existing insurers to make a buck.

  • Ontario is also not Alberta: Smith’s cheques are signed by the oil industry, and you have to get deep into denialism to whitewash that industry, and denialism comes with a lot of anti-intellectual and protofascist baggage.

    Ford’s are signed by real-estate developers and small-business douchebags (and the Venn with them and organized crime on it, well, has some overlap). They’re a very different crew, and they prefer to operate in the shadows. Shouty religious zealotry results in unwanted attention, which is bad for business.

  • What did they expect?

    I mean, seriously, what did they expect? Capitalism gotta capitalize, and I suspect that if our economy wasn’t in terrible shape we wouldn’t be witnessing any theatrical indignation on the part of our leadership whatsoever. They aren’t angry that this is happening, they’re angry they got caught and being made to look bad and are desperately trying to get ahead of the story before they become the story.

    This is all theatre to avoid real discussions about how companies and the wealthy were not, and are not, taxed fairly. When you can make a billion in profit a year and pay your executives millions and still do share buybacks and still cut staff, employees and services while still raising prices then you have too much cash on hand.

    Tax them. Force them to either put that money back into the business, or pay it to the government. Stop letting them create Scrooge McDuck-style swimming pools of cash that do nothing.