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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This is also theorized to be a similar reason that gay people persist throughout history; they are an extra care giver or hunter, gatherer etc. who has no offspring of their own to worry about, so they help ensure the family groups genes get successfully protected in a holistic way.

    People talk about genetics as if it’s just about individuals, but really it’s just as much about group success. If I’m a gay member of a family and my siblings reproduce, statistically my genes are still getting passed on (since all us siblings are just different combos of our parents). So if I ensure my nieces and nephews survive my genetics succeed as well, just kind of blended up.

  • The question of at what magnification our free will exists or doesn’t exist always seemed like kind of an impractical intellectual exercise to waste too much time on.

    Yes, technically we’re probably all just really hyper-complex arrangements of dominos whos motion and sense of self can be theoretically traced back to the big bang or whatever primordial event set the chain falling.

    But on a human scale none of that really matters outside of maybe informing a vague recognition that we aren’t wholly conscious of why we do things.

    If someone kills a bunch of people no amount of philosophical quibbling and defining is going to make me think that person should be allowed to continue living in society, justice simply couldn’t be a concept at all in the absence of some form of free will, yet we require justice to cooperate in making better lives for ourselves. So the value of acting as if we have free will is more valuable than an esoteric philosophical truth.

  • It’s often hard for me to intuitively wrap my head around the transformative nature of chemistry, the way that you can take one material or substance and change it into one that has entirely different properties really does seem like a kind of magic sometimes.

    It’s an interesting innovation if it can be scaled safely and sustainably. My understanding is that some surfactants (the product of the heating method here) can be toxic and not very environmentally friendly, hopefully this recycling method is not just kicking the can down the road on that sense.

  • If it’s a seamless passing of consciousness and memory right up to the point of death, sure.

    Consider there’s a medical procedure for extending your life that, over the course of a year, replaces each of your cells one by one with an exact replica just with more telomeres or whatever. You probably wouldn’t consider that dying, but it’s the same idea as the transporter, the transporter just does all the disassembly and reassembly at once. It’s the classic Reconstituted Relativistic Meat Suit of Theseus paradox.