It feels like we get so many recalls of US produce in Ontario due to salmonella. Typically, it’s the salad greens like lettuce and whatnot, but it seems very frequent.
It feels like we get so many recalls of US produce in Ontario due to salmonella. Typically, it’s the salad greens like lettuce and whatnot, but it seems very frequent.
I feel like co-ordinating on these things would be better. BC, ON and QC all have steel and aluminium industries to defend, and all three provinces export a decent chunk of electricity to nearby US states.
A co-ordinated surcharge on electricity would be a powerful response to the inpatient at the white house.
I mean, that’s like 20/25% of Canada’s total exports to Mordor. I assume we’ll see the same climb down on most other natural resources, with the exception of lumber, for a total of about 40/50% of all exports.
All against the backdrop of the endless whining, "we don’t need Canada for anything.’
“We’re going to whine so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of whining.”
When I image him crying on the toilet while he fat fingers out these tweets, I ask myself, ‘Does this spark joy?’
Tarrifs are definitionally protectionist, but i take your point about intention.
The whole strategy is a recipe for disaster. A recipe that contains no eggs, obviously, and is served in the form of a paste.
I suppose he doesn’t realise the huge energy input required, and which the US lacks, to produce aluminium.
They’re not coming back, you doofus. It’s not just a case of relocating manufacturing, you also would need to massively expand US baseload, and that is not happening. I mean, you cough in the direction of Texas and their entire grid collapses.
Oh, I see. I hadn’t considered that that could be used as a pretense for military action.
Trump’s stable genius trade advisor was just on one of their propaganda networks suggesting that Canada is also run by Mexican cartels. It’s all a bit Monty Python, honestly. Just waiting to hear who he’s nominating for Secretary of Silly Walks.
I think it very much is for certain states. Particularly Florida.
I may have picked it up wrong, but I think i read somewhere that European and Canadian based travel providers are already reporting a 40% reduction in travel bookings to the US.
That might require a fact check, but if true, that could be quite devastating for the US tourism industry. And we’re only a few months into his presidency, so one might expect that to drop further.
I also read that realtors in Florida specifically are being overwhelmed with requests for quick sales on foreigner owned properties.
It’s not nothing.
Can you elaborate? I don’t follow?
I am currently trying to convince my employer to ditch Google and all associated services, as well as the US-based cyber security suites that are currently tanking the performance of all of our workstations. It would be nice if there was an easy replacement for Windows. Linux is a no-go for our IT people.
The day that all the soggy burger-lettuce that’s holding him together finally gives out will go down in history as the 2nd time that ‘Ding Dong the Witch is Dead’ reaches number 1 in the UK music charts.
Fascism or cold winters? It’s a toughie, all right!
Honestly, same. I already cancelled Florida and Arizona trips for later in the year and told friends in Phoenix that I’ll likely never be back. We’ll probably make plans to meet up elsewhere.
This is the republican party now. And Trump may not even be the worst to come. We already see his goons waiting in the wings. Political whiplash is the new normal in the US, and i feel like we will see the division continue to exacerbate over the next few decades for them domestically until something gives.
I hope we in Canada take this new reality seriously and prepare ourselves appropriately as we enter the 30’s.
What’s the over/under on Canada developing a nuclear deterrent?
It would be interesting to see how that would poll amongst Canadians.
If the threat of annexation is as serious as we are being led to believe (and I think it is), what realistic options do we have in terms of defending our sovereignty? Actuellement, all that stands in the way of Canada’s forced accension to statehood or, more likely; territorial vasalisation by an imperialist USA, is the short stroll to Ottawa.
Obviously, developing nuclear weapons while signatory to non-proliferation treaties is a can of worms that I’d hate to see opened, and the mere acknowledgement and/or open development of such weapons could invite serious economic or even a military response.
Is it even possible to develop a nuclear deterrent in secret? Does Canada have the savoir-faire? The technology, the materials, the delivery systems? Do we beg France and the UK to officially declare that they would respond to any armed aggression against Canada?
Wtf do we do? What timeline is this?
Sell our minerals to China in exchange for security guarantees? Fold and allow ourselves to be absorbed into the US?
I can’t believe this is where we are. What an anxious time to be a Canadian.
One of the complaints from the ‘Make america Healthy Again’ crowd is that the FDA needs to be doing what Canada and the EU are doing in terms of food safety and consumer protection.
Trump’s regime sure is a contradictory blob of nuts and weirdos.