i should be gripping rat
I don’t think they were implying that DIM is unsafe, but rather saying that they hope people don’t try to handle the dangerous reagent in their backyard.
big if true
it’s interesting, if u asked me to be honest about it, i would say that’s pretty close to how i actually perceive songs in my head when i have something stuck in there. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think i can imagine all of the instruments of a song at once while replaying a song in my head. There’s like the words (if I know them), and maybe like the broad melody and the accents from other instruments, but that’s about it.
love to get science confirming things that we mostly already suspect. like genuinely, it’s nice to have evidence to back up things that we want to believe.
On an unrelated note, the VR device they created to test this is kind of fascinating. Like…
They made an interface that allows a rat to control a virtual avatar with brain activity alone? I did not expect that to be how this test worked.