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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • You have no respect at all for people who served and died, and it shows.

    You’re the exact type of person that would go “don’t record the horrors in the deathcamps, we should remember them not memorialize them”.

    A memorial is supposed to serve as a reminder of what to avoid, not cater to your or anyone else’s current nonsensical ideologies or sensitivities.

    It exists to inform and prevent acceptance of war, not to portray a ‘rewarding sacrifice’ when people are thrown into the meat grinder.

    Your complete lack of understanding of this issue or your wilful mischaracterization is absolutely abhorrent and shows a total lack of respect and critical thinking education or a total lack of empathy, ignoring the suffering of others in order to pursue your own agenda.

  • Canada is one of the richest countries in the world and we definitely have the resources to do both. I don’t think there’s ever a need to equate situations like this when we have the resources and liquidity to do both.

    That being said, I personally disagree with the 40 million to palestine since its materials are going to be appropriated by HAMAS once they go over the border (or ‘lost’ in the bureaucracy of the UN), but I don’t disagree with the intent to help, we should’ve just thought about it a bit more before doing something like this.

    I would’ve been more down to buy 40 million in food/water and para-drop them into palestine than trust the various aid organizations that continue to misappropriate and ‘lose’ funds in that region.

    Para dropping supplies would have a higher chance of supplies getting to the people that need them than trusting the ruling bodies inside palestine to actually provide for their people. (If unaware, HAMAS is the elected body of palestine)

  • So, you guys are aware that the majority of truckers in that convoy only had problems with their working conditions and pay, right?

    From my understanding only about 5% of them were actually borderline-retarded if not completely retarded, and the rest were protesting working conditions, which were absolutely fucking horrific, during covid and they’ve barely improved since. (the serious morons that came out to “protest” used the truckers convoy to push their ‘freedom’ bullshit)

    There are SERIOUS problems with our trucking and rail industries which overwork, underpay and intentionally remove required safety oversights and training from their workers.

  • Sorry, you saw the literal sources I provided to the wall street warlords that trudeau is selling canada to and your response is “it’s pierres fault”/“you’re a conspiracy theorist”?

    Do you have a reading comprehension problem or did you just opt to not click through a single source before you made your comment?

    Pierre wasn’t even a name on the CPC ticket during the wetsueten attacks by the RCMP and last I checked it was trudeau’s choice to do black face all 5 times and to dress as a nazi all 3 times he did it.

    If you don’t want to vote then don’t vote, but you definitely don’t reserve the right to call anyone a conspiracy theorist when you can’t even be bothered to look at the information provided to you by a wide variety of journalists, first nations and wall street firms that directly corroborate what I’ve said.

    Not only did the video linked have an easy run down with video footage of the wetsueten attacks and various deleterious impacts of the oil industry, it included all sources in the description specifically to combat sleazy arguments like the one you’re presenting.


  • He has played to selling out canada to corporate interests at every turn and then uses the facade of ‘pushing for equality’ to shut down any critical discussions in public venues.

    Then he shuts down, at the behest of Mr. Buffet, every trucker or rail worker dispute by forcing them back to work and labeling them as ‘right wing extremists’ for the audacity of asking for time off, reasonable pay, and enough workers to insure safe travels (especially in the rail industry).

    Additionally, the liberal government has taken to shutting down bank accounts of people that they accuse, whether with evidence or not, of ‘conspiring’ against them. We have an entire set of people that used to be mid to mid high class that have lost access to their homes and bank accounts because they opted to support a rail worker protest or a trucker protest that the media had labeled ‘extremist’. (Canadian news media is obligated to report the version of events supplied to them by the government or be censured and permanently shut down, this was a good thing in the era of the Iraq war as we were able to know about the lack of WMD’s literally years before the US was fully informed, but it is a sword with which the LPC has been stabbing at public criticism and discussion of their continual failures, abuses of power and illegal land sales as well as the use of the RCMP and former US special forces as ‘special enforcers’ for oil interests)

    Instead of allowing any discussion on the matter of their abuse of power and complete lack of oversight of both personal (bribes) and government (missing money) funds, we are assaulted with continual ‘us vs them’ narratives to split the populace.

    Trudeau is Trump light, but objectively more racist.

    If you want a TL;DR video about Canada’s government issues (with sources)


  • The journalist writing this is a complete idiot who has no idea what is going on.

    We’ve long passed ‘gilded age’ more than a decade ago, we’ve been in a technological dystopia built for the rich since the early 00’s (or early 80’s depending on who you ask and how you interpret the technological innovation of the stock market and abuse of the international exchanges and SWAP markets by market makers for monetary gain).

    How this moron is only NOW seeing it seriously indicates a massive failing in both education and ability to observe business and economic situations.