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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2021


  • I watched the debate from 1979. I wish Broadbend could have presented his vision better. He was a too aggressive and I can see why people voted for Joe Clark. Just on behaviour and delivery alone.

    The biggest issue at the time was oil production. The NDP proposed nationization while the PCs privatization. The PCs presented the choice between Canadian ownership vs government ownership and Clark stressed that. While Braodbend focused on domestic vs foreign interference. The PCs promising “direct ownership” as opposed to “nebulus government” ownership was delivered better.

    I wish the NDP embrace more demsoc principles. This will lead to focusing on distribution of power. Instead of setting up crown corporations with the board of directors being responsible to parliament, they should have proposed elected boards of directors of crown corporations be directly elected by the people on election day (maybe even sit/replace the senate) and also pitch it as alternative public revenue source.

    The PCs used the NDP talking point, about domestic ownership/control and direction and flipped it against them by tying it and subverting it into direct private shareholders.

    The NDP should do the same but reverse. Tie patriotism/civic duty of one vote per person to the concept of voting and controlling of natural resources through giving votes to each citizen to crown corporations and charging the PCs of removing the concept of one person one, vote. Also use fiscal conservatism against itself. Crown corporations diversify revenues. Charge the PCs of raising taxes due to reduced “income streams” for government. Lastly, tie charity to social welfare as it is the same thing.

  • Simple. Just make the board of directors be made of people who are pro nationalization then direct them to sell the company to the citizenry for pennies on the dollar.

    Just like what Royal Mail did. The tory government sold it during a strike thereby selling it at a much lower value.

    So as follows:

    1. Make the board of directors of a corporation out of people that are pro nationalization (rig shareholder elections if you need to)
    2. Create a crisis in the company (strike or slow down or loss of an important government contract)
    3. Have the hand picked board of directors sell the company to the government for pennies on the dollar
    4. Give the hand picked directors healthy public pensions and an Order of Canada
    5. Rinse and repeat

    We should not be in favour of theft but in favour of “fair market value” and “market efficiencies by cutting the extra fat off of private ownership” ;)

    The conservatives/liberals did it one way it’s equally valid the other way.

    If it’s theft if done by our government then it’s theft if privative investors do it to us.