KeepassXC implements a specific shared mode which is made to avoid conflicts.
I have no idea why no one uses it, I use it, works well.
Librelec. Or just a regular Linux with Kodi.
Nothing in this article points to foreign investors. Do you think rich Canadians don’t launder money or something?
No not even paramilitary, their assistance to military and law enforcement is limited to transport basically. Bus drivers essentially…
CG is great, it’s annoying that this project is over budget, but I have no problem with them getting funded and equipped.
Except that it isn’t. The Canadian Coast Guard is a purely civilian organization. For example, they don’t partake in the war on drugs like their American counterparts do, and they don’t have weapons either.
Bad bot, you’re seeing double!
There’s a nice statue of Normand Bethune in Montreal near Concordia University! That one can stay!
C’est de l’extorsion.
Rien de plus à dire, c’est tout dit.
Écoute, si les gens arrivent pas à se payer des loyers, ils ont juste à sortir leur FHSA et s’achèter des maisons. C’est pas compliqué pourtant.
Et surtout, ne pas oublier, il faudrait que quelqu’un corrige sévèrement Mme Duranceau 🤬
Oui, dans Liftoff aussi.
une autre ride sur le 69
<3 69 Adirondack
Le staff est tellement sympatique en plus!
Ça marche enfin, sûrment un problème de fédération!
The title makes it sound like he’s responsible for some of the big fires, but the article seem to indicate otherwise.
Sure, but in that case their interests would be a human right. It’s a conflict of interests because they are for profit owners; not just owners.
KeyShare is, this issue is specifically about groups within KeyShare, you can create one KeyShare for each group if you require groups.