Canada also provides 100% of the potash used in the US.
Canada could basically shut down the entire US agricultural sector in an instant if it wanted to.
Please do, it would be fucking hilarious
Sadly, you are very mistaken if you believe that anyone in America, including large portions of its populace, are concerned with actual health outcomes or costs. I once had a coworker use the fact that his mother currently could not afford the costs of her broken hip as a reason that we should NOT have universal healthcare access. Literally told me ‘where is her help’ while also asking why he should pay for others healthcare.
May I respectfully…
No. They do not deserve your respect, they will not acknowledge or respond to respect, and showing respect is a fool’s errand.
They only react to things that are forcefully demonstrated to them.
Be careful showing your cards. His solution to a hurricane was to nuke it.
Sometimes I think it better we don’t talk about these things, so that when they reach the Find Out era they get to find out, instead of trying to seize our mines during the Fuck Around era.
Like I’ve debated with all my friends up here in northern Ontario before - the US will never invade or try to take over our government. They own our resources, corporations and businesses … they really don’t care about wanting to run our country. They want our things and they’ll get them, they just don’t want our country and its people.
Of course they’d want the land. It’s the only reason Putin is invading Ukraine, and Trump is just using the Putin playbook.