Trade deficit means you’re getting more stuff than the other side is.
He’d rather have the dollars than the stuff?
What are you gonna spend the dollars on if there’s no stuff?
Isn’t “too many dollars chasing too few goods” the textbook definition of inflation?
He’d rather have the dollars than the stuff?
No, he wants both. That’s why he doesn’t pay his bills.
You can’t reason with this a. hole no point trying.
Yeah, this guy is either stupid or maliciously pretending to be misinformed.
Either way there’s no point bothering with Dumbass Donald
He is definitely not pretending
Don’t underestimate him. This is the guy who has gotten away with everything in his life with zero consequences.
He’s not some sort of bizarro Candide.
I’m not underestimating his dangerousness. But the fact is, he’s gotten where he is based on force of personality and people just letting him get away with things because giving in was easier than dealing with a whining man baby. No one expected him to gain a cult that quite literally worshipped him.
But none of that changes the fact that he is dumb and just does whatever whoever praises him or enriches him the most. He’s not a puppeteer, he’s a puppet. An extremely dangerous fool.
Glad they’re at least talking about it instead of sweeping it under the rug
I feel like I’ve seen “Trump claims–Experts disagree” a lot lately
a $200B subsidy
That’s not how trade works. One side has something the other side wants. They agree to make an exchange.
Both sides win.
That’s how Trump thinks, though. Every transaction is zero sum to him.
I’m also convinced saw the “deficit” part of “trade deficit” and either automatically assumed it was bad thing or knew he could convince low-information voters that it was.
Or maybe he is a dumbass and someone on his campaign staff was the crafty one.
All of this bullshit because some fucking guy couldn’t properly set his windage.
Maybe he was a time traveller sent back to fix things, but the travel sickness got to him
I want you all to know that I blame the American voters for this. I mean those that abstained or voted Republicans. I curse you all.
I curse you all.
Unnecessary. Trump is their president. The blight is upon them whether they realise it or not.
Yep, Americans are that stupid that they pay Canada and them get nothing back in return and they’re all fine with that!
Of course this isn’t the case, but the average American is dumb enough to do this
I subsidize my credit cards.
Time to invade MasterCard!
It’s really easy to put out numbers when they are made up on how you currently feel. Of course they are wrong, he doesn’t care and neither do his followers.
Trump doesnt claim, he just pulls it out of his ass making shit up.