Canada should be investing in healthcare and science, taking advantage of the current opportunity to poach world-class talent from the USA. And don’t vote Conservative because they’ll do the opposite.
I can’t agree with your comment more. It’s time for Canada to take a stand and invite in all the smartest people from the US to help us bolster our economy and better the country.
Problem with that is we gotta offer a higher salary, which we can’t afford right now. Now with how medicare is being sabotaged by conservative provincial governments.
For many of them, just coming to Canada is worth making a few bucks less.
I mean, mental health is worth something. I’d be willing to take a pay cut.
Not living under fascism and the threat of going to prison for doing your job is worth a pay cut for some. That said, we shouldn’t underpay medical professionals.
They’re already very well paid. A bit too much in my opinion. Sure they have a lot of responsibilities and there’s a lot of risks. But so do engineers, and they’re not even close to what medical professionals do. (Correct me if I’m wrong though)
Here’s a link with data about medical professional salaries in Canada:
And here is one with the data for France:
Or (from 2018)
Call it ‘Projet Trombone’ .
Same situation, here in Europe - the most beneficial situation would be to have a bigger partnership between the EU and Canada! Only then, we could face Trump, Putin, and other dictators.
Trudeau did a great job of doing this the first time around. We got some big names in Chemistry back across the border. Thanks Trump lol
Should’ve done it 8 years back when the orange fuckwad was elected for the first time. Incredible miss by Canada.
We didn’t miss, we got some smart folks during that time.
Get the government in the business of building homes. Stop relying on the private sector, this shit needs to be done ASAP. Then reach our to American talent!
Pharmaceutical tech and bio students are getting offers rescinded to universities because of the US grant cuts.
We have the chance to eat the US’s lunch for the next decade of health tech right now.
Welcome. Shouldn’t be hard to get in if you have credentials.
Cmon home! We need ya!
Yay! But also consider coming to the EU; we are also in need of good doctors!
Ironic commenting this from
A fine point, but is geared towards Canadians, not exclusive to them.
I’m not a doctor but if trump takes Canada, I’ll be seriously looking into what it takes to move to The Netherlands… That or some nice country/Island where I don’t need to hurt other people.
My country (Portugal) is a quite good place, but please don’t buy or rent any overpriced house, because that makes it too expensive for the poorest citizens (minimum salary is less than 900 euros per month).
I’ve heard nothing but good things about Portugal! Though, I think it’s incredibly disrespectful to go to a country and not know at least SOME of the local language. I’ve never even considered learning Portuguese but I am now, if not just to visit. I will 100% respect the local culture.
I really like it in Canada, but I am quite scared of trump calling himself king, Canada the 51st state, etc. If it comes down to it, any peaceful place is where I want to be.
It is a good place, but it does not necessarily have a lot of good people. We also have quite some ignorants, similar to the 'Murican ones. Another thing is that Portuguese is not very easy to learn or pronounce, especially the more neutral accent (the pseudo-Lisbon one). My suggestion is to pick a place you’d like to visit, and specialize your information, for that area. Anyway, good luck!
There is already a brain drain of doctors from the south to the north and west of Europe. So so many Greeks for example.
Fair enough, but I am from Portugal, so I do feel the issue.
American here. Apparently those doctors aren’t fleeing to my local clinic in Seattle. Routine appointments are scheduled months out. Last August I had a weird little heart thing where paramedics showed up and checked me out. They recommended taking a cardio stress test, which I couldn’t get until October, and discussing the results with the actual doctor was in fucking December. Because we have the Finest Healthcare System In The World™ (sunbeams, angels singing). Of course for really urgent matters you can get very immediate attention via ambulance and the Emergency Room, and then you owe them your house. Cuz Freedom!
A doctor I worked with who was born in Canada but had been working in the US decided to move back to Canada and work with us, I guess he and his family wanted to get out of the states. Well, his family hated it here, I guess just not used to our way of life, and he had lots of criticism of how OHIP does not fund things (thanks Doug the drug dealer) and bitched all the time, and so last summer he went and secretly got a new job, his family moved back to the US ahead of him, and he hung out here for the fall and announced on October 31st that he was quitting and going back to the states. I didn’t see him until the day after the election and I asked him where he was moving to, and he told me, but he said now he didn’t know because of the election. Well, he moved after all, I mean his family was already there, but now that the US pulled 880 billion out of Medicare which is all of Medicare alone and a lot of people lost their jobs and therefore their insurance, and funding is being pulled out of science and medicine in other places, I don’t think he’ll have a good time of it. He was pretty arrogant about how badly he thought we did things, and while I agree that the conservative Ontario government sucks the rigid cock of Satan, it’s not like that!
However OHIP really needs to pay many doctors more. Family doctors deserve a huge raise, and many subspecialties are poorly paid for the amount of education and work they require. For example, MS neurologists and movement disorders neurologists are paid very poorly and those patients require a LOT of work.