In 6 months, he’s going to be talking about how Canada started this trade war.
He’s basically saying it now. He is calling his current tariff “reciprocal”.
He hasn’t already?
I’ve already seen (USian) conservatives claiming that
They be talking about it for years. Kinda like how ‘Lost Cause Confederacy’ idiots call it “the war of Northern Aggression” even though it was started by the confederates shooting at an American fort.
lol ours is retaliatory but theirs are reciprocal?
Eat shit asshole.
This guy doesn’t even understand those words. They’ve got someone writing his tweets now.
All Trudeau needs to do is implement a reciprocal tariff that also increases by like amount. Boom, now you have an infinite tariff loop and a single transaction in either direction is enough to create infinite GDP.
Checkmate, economists.
Ya honestly Trump is so fucking stupid that it’s starting to feel like he’s doing a bit. Like is he mocking his own supporters at this point? I think the world needs to respond to trump with something exactly like this. Infinite tariff loop is actually a policy I would support unironically.
Long before you get to 100%, everybody stops buying it. Zero times anything is zero.
They can go above 100% too. Canadian chocolate bar $420.69 when?
yeah, but 0 times infinite is undefined, so who knows what’ll happen ;)
Or a black market forms
Ok it’s starting to feel like a game now. Can we cause American hyperinflation by a targeted tariff feedback loop?
Just take something we import very little and slap a -200% tariff
-200%? The US government pays you 200% of what the import is worth?
Canada should add a 100% tariff on USA crude oil that we import (Canada import 0 I guess) and with trump reciprocal thinggy, automatically crude oil from Canada to USA would have a 100% tariff on it lol
He also wants his face on currency. The man is a menace
He also wants his face on currency
You have to be dead before that happens.
I’m sure someone would be willing to help
looking at Iran for the hail mary on that one…
For my fellow Americans, the best way to respond if Trump gets his face on currency is to go full cashless. Let his ass sit abandoned and forgotten in bank vaults across the country.
Look forward to the day that orange shit stain is dead. Hopefully tonight.
Americans: Just imagine the White House is an elementary school…
The real problem is that Trump’s supporters don’t understand tariffs, and wouldn’t believe the explanation anyway because to them it just sounds like Orange Man Bad.
When the US imposes a tariff on Canada, importers of Canadian goods pay the tariff to the US government. To recover that cost they raise the prices they charge American customers. So Americans end up paying the tariff. The only damage it does to Canada is that the tariff could discourage US importers from buying certain goods from Canada if they can get them somewhere else without paying a tariff. That happens in some cases, but in others Canada is already the cheapest (or only) source of a high-demand item, so Americans will just pay the higher prices - the way they’re still paying jacked-up COVID prices for so many things, for example.
Millions of Americans, being too dumb or unwilling to grasp this, think these tariffs are Trump heroically saving them from the evils of foreigners who want to destroy their Freedom.
Millions of Americans, being too dumb or unwilling to grasp this
Reports from people who know him, Trump is one of these people. He clearly doesn’t understand the process.
“I’ve been in the room when it’s been explained to him, and he doesn’t understand it, but he likes tariffs,” Bolton said.
not to mention any potential compound tariffs on complex goods likes automobiles for example.
Prices skyrocket immensely.
The housing market is only going to get more expensive, etc.
By compound tariffs, do you mean extra tariff fees due to repeated trips across the border in the manufacturing process?
Ya. I watched the Doug Ford announcement, and he said parts can cross the Ontario border up to 8 times before making it into the vehicle or final product.
so $10 part -> $12.50 -> $15.625 -> $19.531 -> $24.414 -> $30.517 -> $38.146 -> $47.683 -> $59.60
So that $10 part from the first factory is now $59.60 and that’s before the fact that it probably increases in value at each step along the way to being refined into it’s final product.
Thats why he’s saying (as well as others) that they expect the factories on both sides to shut down within a couple weeks.
Edit: half of that if it’s a one way tariff where both sides didn’t put tariffs on the exact same items.
yeah, exactly. Complex manufacturing chains often ship things all over the place, if you’re crossing the border 2-3 times, that’s 2-3 times as many tariffs being charged. Which depending on what you’re doing, can be a lot of money.
The auto industry in particular is susceptible to this.
The areas where they overwhelmingly voted for the orange dumbass are in for a shock. Here is a list of the products that canda has put tariffs on.
Combined with a strong dollar that’s a huge blow to U.S. agriculture and manufacturing. FYI U.S. Agriculture is in the worst overall depression of the past 50 years. The strong dollar has basically has given the entire industry a beating.
Just wait until our first harvest season without immigrants!
A rapid increase in labor cost plus low prices. Now that’s a recipe for a fun party in bankruptcy court.
Just tell them it’s a 25% sales tax.
God I’m exhausted.
At this point, we just need to cut it all off completely. Oil shipments, electricity, lumber, aluminum. All of it.
I know that that’s a hard ask for those industries that are affected, and if it means the federal goverment has to temporarily raise the deficit in order to subsidize those industries it’ll be crazy expensive and inflation will shoot up. But I’m convinced that that would be only a short amount of time that that would actually be needed.
Let the United States go one week without our stuff. 100%…fuck 'em. They’ll last one week. Maybe two. And when they quit their bullshit, make it clear that we are diversifying our business partners making it easier to pull it from them again anytime they let Trump open is fucking mouth.
Hold our resources hostage against them.
Economical MAD is not the answer here. It’s a very complex subject that is difficult to solve.
It’s a very complex subject that is difficult to solve
In a sane world, I agree with you. But we’re dealing with a man who himself doesn’t realise its complexity and only understands strategies that are “blunt and absurd”.
We can use as nuanced and soft-toed strategies all we want and he’ll never get it through his orange head.
Yes, we’re dealing with a madman. You’re suggesting we act just like him. No, harming more people voluntarily is not the answer.
It’s not Mutually Assured Destruction though. It’s not even retaliatory. If Canada were to immediately stop all exports to the US and pivot to an EU/China based economy the fallout would disproportionately affect the US. The key to this is that Canada is the smaller and more insular trading partner.
Case in point
Who gives a damn about the deficit. When did that ever really matter?
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Bankrupting his country like he did with all his businesses, including a casino. Notoriously difficult to bankrupt.
3 casinos.
When you have a 25% tariff, additional tariffs really don’t matter.
It will be a shit show until Canada and the rest of the western world work out agreements independent of the US.
Isolating a fascist power with the strongest military in the world doesn’t work. Eventually they work up the balls to use it.
Every nation should be prepared for what happens when the purge of the US military and government is complete and only loyalists hold power.
Given that there are no ideal moves in any direction, I feel that standing up to the bully is the only option on the table. They failed to do that in 1939.
And another thing. Its America’s job to police this mess, they installed him either directly or indirectly. The rest of the world didn’t ask or vote for this dangerous toddler.
There are plenty of the dead who weren’t responsible for what killed them.
I’m not sure what to make of that in context. Do you mean that we should just suck it up?
Suck up the reality that counting on Americans to handle Trump isn’t a plan, it’s a hope.
Don’t fret… I have absolutely no expectations that Americans can pull out of this power dive. I just hope that most of the damage will be self inflicted.
It is still the right thing to do. As you say, we just all need to be prepared for it.
What happens if a NATO country Attack another NATO country?
Over here in the EU we still need gas and oil. I’d much rather import it from Canada than from Qatar or some other middle eastern dictatorship.
As a Canadian I agree but that is difficult. Canada is so integrated with the US that they basically refine all of our crude. Canadian crude is unlike crude from anywhere else and has to be refined a certain way. So we have to build refineries or you do, that can handle our capacity. That takes time and certainly won’t be instantaneous. It’s not like we can just divert.
Yeah plus the transport would be much more expensive. But I guess building your own refineries will give much more flexibility for the future…
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We’re already doing that. EVERYBODY is doing that. every western nation is doing their best to cut America out of their trading deals. Donnie has seriously fucked America over.
They should call it “The Free World Agreement”.
Dude thinks tariffs are Uno cards.
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It’s like he doesn’t understand tariffs… It’s hurting your country.
If you put a tariff, it increases the price you’re paying. It makes the goods more expensive for your industry and your population. It makes your industry less competitive as your industry has to sell at higher prices.
Then comes the reciprocal tardif what makes your industry even less competitive. Putting more tardif will hurt your industry.
Did he say “he was the champion of the industry” or whatever similar? Well people voted for the person who doesn’t know what 2+2 makes.
It’s like he doesn’t understand tariffs… It’s hurting your country.
It doesn’t hurt his wallet when he is raising prices for all his hotels for secret service and employees 10x and pocketing it. He doesn’t give a shit about the average American or this country. Fuck you, I got mine.
His goal is revenge on everyone he doesn’t like, and to cause pain for those not like him.
Putting more tardif will hurt your industry.
Intentional or typo? Funny either way.
Typo! But yes funny and I let it.
I love seeing that video of a journalist asking trump about what he said about some tariffs and him responding “I think the other countries pay them”. He truly doesn’t know how they work.
In all fairness, a fringe economist told him that. Navarro still hasn’t been able to successfully explain to anyone why tariffs won’t raise prices. He gets as far as “they can’t raise tariffs on the largest market in the world” as if there weren’t high tariffs on the us before.