Bring it the fuck on yam tits. Lets fucking go. Send in your cultist freaks I can’t wait to blow some yank limbs off.
Bring it the fuck on yam tits. Lets fucking go. Send in your cultist freaks I can’t wait to blow some yank limbs off.
I wont go to the US unless im going as a part of a military operation. Every single magat needs to be gone before the US can be redeemed.
Not at the moment. But let’s say hypothetically we become the 51st state, and you are ordered to arrest someone or shoot someone who is an insurgent, would you do it?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_state maybe you’ll be one of the good ones
That’s awesome. Id come drop off a resume if I wasn’t on the opposite side of the country.
historically that seems to be what always happens
Ya honestly Trump is so fucking stupid that it’s starting to feel like he’s doing a bit. Like is he mocking his own supporters at this point? I think the world needs to respond to trump with something exactly like this. Infinite tariff loop is actually a policy I would support unironically.
god that sounds annoying jfc
oh right, I can’t read
you’ll probably side with the fascists then eh
Globalism is based. Free trade is based.
In your opinion, is your company going across due to the tariffs specifically or other regulations? Or just because the market is bigger?
Thanks for sharing. That makes a lot of sense. I have experience as a hobby welder. Maybe I should go get a cert or something 🤔
They are in a bad spot right now because the United States stabbed them in the back after being overthrown by Russia. But they have the largest army in Europe. And the most experienced army. They have valuable knowledge about fighting modern conventional wars that no one else in the world has. Russian friendship will NEVER happen. I will die first. FUCK RUSSIAN TERRORISTS.
There has been so much proof of massive efforts by oil companies to suppress the information about climate change, but conservatives have managed to spin it into braindead narratives that Big Solar is pushing “climate alarmism” to make us reliant on China. CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas anymore, it’s actually plant food. And every disaster is actually just “weather,” and has nothing to do with climate change. I hate this fucking world. Cant wait for the war to start so I can purge these conservatives from the world. Maybe we have a narrow window of opportunity to save our species.
Ukraine is probably our strongest possible ally if they can survive this war. All we need to do (Canada and the Europeans) is give them ammo to beat back Putin, his country is about to implode. Russia is desperate for the war to end as soon as possible. We should support them like our lives depended on it, because they will come to our aid.
I don’t think state secession is the goal imo. I think the solution here is to finish off what was started with the first american civil war, but this time don’t let any of the confederate traitors survive to breed a new generation of racist pieces of fucking human garbage. Drive every single magat into the ocean for good. Then the survivors can pick up the pieces of their own country and start the rebuilding process.
There are quite a few pro annexation Canadian traitors and fascists. And we ought to do something about them. I know of a few prominent ones in my own city. I am wondering when the right time is to take action.
People will rise up, that is true. But if Trump solidifies his power, and it wont take much longer, he can easily work around all of the other leverage we have. He is more than happy to trade with Russia, NK, India, Iran, etc. to displace anything Canadians import. They will have plenty of fuel for their vehicles.
Honestly, people who are pretending they never supported trump should be embraced right now. The people who stand by him are the ones who we ought to direct our fury at.