How can we make it more popular?

  • Margot
    1 year ago

    Reddit ceased being a link aggregater when it added comments and self posts , “content aggregater” is a more accurate term, although it is really a modernized version of internet forums.

    The best contents posts on reddit are all originals in comments: Ask*, buying guides for hobbists, various fictions like writing prompts, nosleep, and AITA. People have made successful YouTube channels by solely reading out these reddit comments and self posts, it’s lazy but shows where the value of reddit really lies. Somebody even made a movie on the GME stuff. (This is also why I will NEVER admit to lurking reddit or this place in public.)

    Instead here we just get the worst part of reddit posts here like politics and memes.

    Again, if you actually want Lemmy to take off, stop wasting your time and your energy arguing politics and start writing high quality Lemmy original contents here.

      1 year ago

      Finally! This link aggregator bs was going on my nerves already and I blocked all politics and news since most of it us rage bait imo.

      You’re absolutely correct. We need the juicy stuff that gets people talking without bashing each others heads in. For this, we need people who make communities, post stuff and attract other creative folks.

      I made a tech community since I am a tech guy. Everyone who wants this place to thrive should make a community and/or post something of value every day.

      Have a good one.