• IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’m not an anti Trudeau idiot … I don’t mind the liberal party … I support the Trudeau government … I’m an NDP supporter personally

    But in an age of mass communication, information at everyone’s finger tips, government agencies with endless personal data, legions of communication professionals and government researchers, assistants upon assistants checking, double checking everything …

    How the hell does something like this happen?

    It either shows how dumb the government can be


    It was deliberate and just another distraction for all of us to fight about.

    In a time when everything is so meticulously monitored, catalogued and manufactured … I really have my suspicions about all this.

    Now the headlines, especially conservative ones will talk about this for the next month.

    Was it just another planned event to clog up the conversation for another month? Or is the government really this dumb?