Piapot First Nation acting Chief Ira Lavallee says the legendary singer and songwriter should take a DNA test to provide a definitive answer about her heritage.
That could be true if this was also racist.
The way I see it is she either idolized the First Nations and wanted to be one so much she made it up. Or she just saw an opportunity to make money and/or be more successful.
If she thought First Nations were less than others she wouldn’t identify herself as such to gain something in society.
If I’m racist I don’t want to be one of them or be closely associated to them, it could be shameful, disgusting or insulting.
That’s true cultural appropriation we’re talking about here, not just dressing up but pretending to be one of them, she might not have thought of it or herself as racist or harmful to them, it doesn’t make it any less so.
She basically stole two awards from first Nation communities at the 2018 Junos.
If blackfaces is racism then I don’t know how you can pretend this isn’t.
One doesn’t exclude the other.
That could be true if this was also racist. The way I see it is she either idolized the First Nations and wanted to be one so much she made it up. Or she just saw an opportunity to make money and/or be more successful. If she thought First Nations were less than others she wouldn’t identify herself as such to gain something in society.
If I’m racist I don’t want to be one of them or be closely associated to them, it could be shameful, disgusting or insulting.
That’s true cultural appropriation we’re talking about here, not just dressing up but pretending to be one of them, she might not have thought of it or herself as racist or harmful to them, it doesn’t make it any less so.
She basically stole two awards from first Nation communities at the 2018 Junos.
If blackfaces is racism then I don’t know how you can pretend this isn’t.