Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Education has released copies of 18 letters sent to the province encouraging it to develop a policy addressing pronoun use in schools.

    9 months ago

    I live in Vancouver and have a child in the public school system (the other is still too young)

    I’m worried that administrators and teachers may be (consciously or unconsciously) adjusting curriculum to please vocal but overrepresented minorities, and identity politicians.

    I’m not too worried about my kids, because I know what I’m teaching them about sex, gender, pronouns, and right/wrong.

    I’m more worried about the kids of other parents. Like teens that worry if they’ll have to find a new place to live if their parents see their browser history, or catch them wearing the wrong clothes. Kids that have to literally live in fear. Kids that kill themselves instead of continuing in unbearable circumstances. Those kids deserve to thrive, and I don’t see how that can happen without robust SOGI curriculum. I’m worried about compromises to appease bigots.

    Schools can’t remove prejudice from parents but they can create a space where kids feel safe to talk about what they’re going through. A policy that automatically tattles on kids makes that impossible. A policy that automatically tattles on kids, will result in dead kids.

    If you’re the sort of parent that’s worried about their kids gender/sex transitioning without keeping you informed, that says a lot about you. That’s a ‘you’ problem, not a school problem.