A Yellowknife man bought a fully electric truck, expecting to install the 80 amp Level 2 charger it came with at his home. Then he found out he’d need to pay $12,000 to upgrade a transformer in his neighbourhood to make it work.
A Yellowknife man bought a fully electric truck, expecting to install the 80 amp Level 2 charger it came with at his home. Then he found out he’d need to pay $12,000 to upgrade a transformer in his neighbourhood to make it work.
He can be forgiven for not asking if he would have to upgrade his grid
It’s hard to imagine Canada being fully electric by 2035 if the consumers need to upgrade the grids themselves. I’m definitely gonna wait for my neighbour to buy one first!
We don’t need to upgrade the grid ourselves, we need to push the government to force these companies that make astronomical amounts of money off of us to upgrade their network. There’s no reason why they need to have even a single drop of profit flow out to investors if they can’t modernize their grid.
Maybe we just need to set a deadline for grid upgrades or they get nationalized.
No, no. I’m ok with us uograding the grid ourselves.
Re-nationalize the power companies.
I’m sure the dealership that sold him the truck didn’t bother to make sure it would work either.
He clearly didn’t do his research and now he’s bitching about paying to make it work.
I do find it unrealistic to pay to upgrade a transformer. That’s the utility’s job ffs.
At least he can use a regular outlet until then but he should have asked more questions before buying an expensive electric truck.
Didn’t read the article, eh? Nor the room, it seems.
Assuming from nothing eh?
He’s assuming based of you suggesting the guy in the article do something less great than what he actually ended up doing.
Pretty dumb assumption then.