Speaking with reporters at the end of his visit to the capital Kiyv, Justin Trudeau accused Putin of “executing” opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
Speaking with reporters at the end of his visit to the capital Kiyv, Justin Trudeau accused Putin of “executing” opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
The statement kinda loses it’s impact once you realize it’s coming from a leader who illegally broke up a protest against himself and his government
It’s pretty telling that you don’t say what protest you’re talking about. Is it the stupid truckers?
Only if you’re an idiot that compares the attempted genocide of a people to a leader ensuring trade routes remain open for businesses and a city’s residents aren’t traumatized by racist children that like to make noise.
It was perfectly legal. And those protestors asked for things like “no vaccine required to enter USA”, Trudeau had nothing to do with that. Those protestors then degenerated into various conspiracy, and basically wanted to remove Trudeau and put a dictator instead. It was almost a coup, not a “protest”.
I LOLed so hard when I heard their demands were the removal of our elected representatives to be replaced with THEMSELVES
Are you talking about those antivax pieces of garbage who harassed homeless people and local businesses because another country wouldn’t let them across their border?
Aka the Karen konvoy
That protest wasn’t against Trudeau, it was against common sense.
We’re talking about someone will the IQ and memory capacity of a goldfish
He’s not perfect but let’s see Russians drive around with “fuck putin” on their truck and see how long that works out for them.
@can @northmaple1984
“Canada’s a free country! I can drive around with a ‘[BLEEP] Trudeau’ bumper sticker any time I want!”
“Ah, but Russia is *also* a free country. I *too* can drive around with a ‘[BLEEP] Trudeau’ bumper sticker any time I want.”
(Thank you, Soviet Anecdote Formula Number 46!)
Peaceful protest it was not.
@northmaple1984 @sik0fewl your statement kinda loses its impact when you realise he didn’t do what you described.
@northmaple1984 @sik0fewl
Oh, F off.
lol WHAT ABOUT the time Trudy cucked the Ottawa police when they couldn’t perform
Dat karma tho