We should pitch their corpses into that Siberian hell pit that gets brought up occasionally
We should pitch their corpses into that Siberian hell pit that gets brought up occasionally
Because if you make it too obvious you’ll have the fourth Russian revolution in the last 120 years.
October revolution in 1905 to remove a lot of power from the czars, one in 1917 to completely remove the czars from government, another in 1917 to put the Bolsheviks in power and lead to the Soviet Union. Who knows what would happen were the current populace to overthrow Putins sham democracy
I’m not going to take the easy route and make window or tea jokes like every other time Russians are mentioned on this site…
I hope he gets on the ballet and at least gets the populace to consider an alternative. He needs to be kept under constant guard and be very careful the rest of his days for openly opposing the oligarchs or they’ll end his campaign.
I don’t think his odds are good, but i hope one day we’ll see a world with a truly democratic russia sitting at the table and truly wanting peace
Yes but those health problems build business for the healthcare sector which is part of the economy. Excess drinking leads to medical bills, potentially increased insurance rates after DUIs, increased money to morticians for funerals of dead alcoholics and the people killed by drunk driving
Work events are always like that in my experience, I haven’t drank since I had a health issue a couple years ago where the doctor was clear that alcohol must not be taken or the tests will be unable to help me.
Since then all work social events have been hell from people either thinking I’m a recovering alcoholic or terminally ill.
Fediverse isn’t perfect but it’s still better than all other social media platforms, everywhere else this is one solid circle of the company’s server
Technically, sea to sea was always an aspiration of the polish but they never got there, just claimed swathes of land that belonged to others and never secured those claims.
The Hungarian empire certainly held parts of Ukraine at one point and therefore Hungary does have claims on it again, same with Romania.
The issue is, do we want the modern world to wage war based on historical land claims again like we did in centuries past? My answer is no but I’m just the peasant that will be drafted into these wars…
I don’t think the worlds remaining sea pirates are very technical, or smart at all for that matter.
At least here I don’t have to read /u/crankysysadmin telling everyone they’re entitled and need to do better work and ignore their personal problems in every thread
Lenny is also just missing the decade of pcmasterrace and other pc hardware sub content. It might get there in time but for now Reddit is still a font of information and advice from knowledgeable people.
So the major concerns are climate change and it’s too expensive to live. Sounds like reasonable concerns that a continent spanning government agency should be able to address…
Now the part about the anti-immigration party being the most popular is concerning.
Nothing lol cleaning it and continuing to use it is the proper response. The human needs medical attention, the knife just needs soap and hot water
Sony is actual abandoning the industry so all the theaters with Sony projectors have to get new ones from elsewhere as Sony is only going to provide parts and support. I’ve been forced to deal with the “support” left for dead products many times, it’s always the absolute bare minimum designed to make you move away from the product finally so they can sunset the skeleton support crew
It should be shunned and defederated so the degenerate furries hide and learn shame
The spectrum is more than left and right, I know political compass memes on Reddit got taken over by nazis but there is legitimately a whole compass. Stalin is somewhat center left, nudist hippie communes are lower left corner
Do you have any proof of any of this? Lol this just reads like a rant that your server isn’t as popular and it isn’t fair so the popular host should just stop taking on new users because reasons
They won’t look the fool, anyone that matters will be shown an edited version of place with no protests and a chart showing fantastic engagement numbers that the protests caused. Visiting that site is just helping Steve’s IPO and we shouldn’t be doing that
Yea but didn’t he say he’s not interested at this time? I think he just wants to chill for a bit and made enough off Apollo he can do so
Try making a decent product again then, that seemed to limit piracy quite a bit