Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Context:

    • Israel is killing civilians, including children, while attempting to eradicate Hamas
    • Calls for a ceasefire happen so Israel stops killing innocents
    • “muh ceasefire don’t work, you need to eradicate Hamas first”

    Now tell me, where in that comment chain do you, explicitly, state that no civilians should be killed in the attempt to remove Hamas from Gaza?

    You cannot remove Hamas by means of force without at the same time killing an incredibly large number of innocent civilians. You demanding Hamas has to be eradicated first is, implicitly, stating that you are A-OK with Israel slaughtering innocents in the process.

    As you say they are a terrorist organization, they use human shields. You cannot state your argument in some fantasy reality where Hamas and the IDF suddenly play by the rules of engagement.

  • you childishly ignore all the context present

    Going by the remark you close the previous comment with the only person being childish here is you. If your reaction to being called out is demanding the other user delete their account (I’m being favorably with the interpretation here) that says a lot about your ability to handle criticism.

    Now I’m going to generously assume you just lack the English language skills to have this discussion in a manner where you can properly articulate your point (because apparently what everyone else here takes away from your comments is not what you think you wrote). Given that assumption I can only give you my well meant suggestion of not engaging in discussions using the English language. If you can’t properly articulate your point then there is no point in having a discussion. Discussion only works if communication is bidirectional and clear which is not the case when one side loses half their arguments in translation.

  • I can say with high confidence they did think of the possibility but decided against closing the loophole because they didn’t want to be too overbearing with the regulation. You can see that process in action with the GDPR and cookie banners. Initially the regulation allowed for some freedom on the end of the website but after observation the EU determined that companies are happy to keep pushing the boundaries and have decided to tighten the wording of the cookie banner regulation.

    Apple is likely shooting themselves in the foot right now because this behaviour will just result in the EU taking away what loopholes they left the companies to use in moderation.

  • What I don’t understand (well I do but I’d rather thing they’re stupid than that greedy) is how they fail to see the long term implications of their behaviour.

    For example Apple could have easily avoided the entire USB C regulation by offering a USB C variant of their phone and then charging 80€ extra for it. There would not have been enough push to make an entire regulation around the connectors if there was not one giant manufacturer wanting to be special.

    The same is the case here. Apple could very easily just skim a bit off the top. Charge third party stores a fee for 2nd class treatment as an appstore instead of 3rd class (for example: have the user confirm every update manually unless the store pays up). That would be enough to shut critics up because “well it’s just QoL you’re missing out”. Instead they are pushing things way too far once again and will ultimately make less money than they could have because of it.

  • Kakao nuked the official Tachiyomi Extension repo because they “infringe on their copyright”.

    The Extension repo does not and never has offered copyrighted material, it merely facilitated access to sites that do within Tachiyomi. Essentially it was a collection of hyper specific Browsers. The repo is gone, the extensions are not (they are now in a different repo provided by a user). Tachiyomi itself allows for 3rd party repos now and everyone is mad at Kakao for making the App less usable.

  • Essentially Kakao Entertainment abused DMCA to get all extensions removed despite the Extensions themselves not containing any DMCA material. What allowed this to spiral so out of control (it started out with only Bato.to, Mangadex and Kissmanga being removed) was that the Tachiyomi devs have absolutely 0 spine and 0 will to prevent DMCA abuse. They just folded at the requests immediately without any sort objection or demand to go through GitHub instead (this approach in particular has worked in warding off false DMCA claims because that way the corporations have to somewhat publicly press their illegitimate claim, worked wonders for youtube-dl afaik)

  • If the Tachiyomi devs don’t reverse this somehow (which seems unlikely given what I’ve read about past cases of this, custom repo it is I guess) they probably just killed the app. Ubless you are aware of how to get Mangadex and bato back Tachiyomi is now a worse option than even just using your browser again for most people.

    Seems like the devs even folded like wet noodles wgen they had (to my knowledge) risk free options of at least attempting to prevent this, such as demanding the dmca to be filed with GitHub (saved youtube-dl for example since their repo got reinstated after Google withdrew their claim)

    This sort of non-reaction is just asking for the wolves to tear the project apart, after this any copyright holder with no leg to stand on will file claims agaonst Tachiyomi for whatever sources remain. Because why shouldn’t they? It’s a 100% success rate and they don’t even risk anything (illegally) abusing DMCA with people like this at the helm of the project.