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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I bought a house in 2013. Sold it for twice as much in 2020, it’s probably about triple now.

    But looking at house prices and interest rates now, I don’t think I could even buy that first house if I was starting from scratch. I have an extra decade of seniority and (mostly) reasonable salary increases at or above inflation, and I would still be shit out of luck if I didn’t already own property.

    That’s not painting a good picture of the future for the next generation, or even those in my generation who waited or needed longer to save.

  • In an actual collapse situation, nobody is going to respect property rights. He may have a head start in that he’s familiar with his own land, but there’s only so much land a single person can defend and maintain (and it’s much smaller than even a hobby farm).

    Best case scenario for farmers is that they mostly get left alone, and then someone (everyone) steals their crops just before harvest. It’s unlikely people will have that much foresight, so I expect it’s just going to be a bunch of fighting over farmland, followed by starvation because no one had time to grow anything.

  • It’s only a public asset as long as it’s untouched (i.e. not paved or developed). The Greenbelt laws keep it that way.

    Think of the Rocky Mountains as a public asset. I don’t know who owns them, but that doesn’t matter. They are a public asset as long as they exist, but if someone is allowed to flatten them, or carve the faces of dead prime ministers into them, they are no longer an asset to the public. Both of those are much more difficult to do than it is to build a house or a parking lot, so I’m not terribly worried about that scenario unfolding, but it’s the same idea, just bigger.