Yeah, that’s the deal. We were taught that ‘armed’ is just an adjective on ‘forces’, and that we were a force that happened to be armed: a force first and armed second.
Training is neat. I’d bet after a while, though, saving lives can be done more directly and effectively with a shovel and a radio than synchronized walking to a range and back home to polish a bayonet.
I’m sorry that solder represented Canada so poorly, even to ourselves. We can become better again.
I mentioned the peacekeepers and that’s something that made me proud of our army back when I was a kid, seeing them trying to help in Bosnia I felt like our army was doing something great for the world… Not so much today and sadly the peacekeepers aren’t what they used to be either…
Yeah, that’s the deal. We were taught that ‘armed’ is just an adjective on ‘forces’, and that we were a force that happened to be armed: a force first and armed second.
Training is neat. I’d bet after a while, though, saving lives can be done more directly and effectively with a shovel and a radio than synchronized walking to a range and back home to polish a bayonet.
I’m sorry that solder represented Canada so poorly, even to ourselves. We can become better again.
I mentioned the peacekeepers and that’s something that made me proud of our army back when I was a kid, seeing them trying to help in Bosnia I felt like our army was doing something great for the world… Not so much today and sadly the peacekeepers aren’t what they used to be either…