What we just witnessed from the Trump regime was the most shameful and disgusting desecration of the Oval Office in history. It is clear as day, that Trump and Putin are aligned, and they are planning on overthrowing democracies everywhere. Canadians need to get organized, and march on Washington and burn down the Whitehouse again, we need to help the real Americans eject the traitor. The United States needs its allies to come to their aid, they have lost the Cold War, Putin won without firing a single bullet. If we don’t, we will be invaded, many of us will die. And those that don’t will be living under the authoritarian rule of a madman. Our government is moving too slowly, our leaders, and our media have their heads buried in the sand, they are still talking about tariffs and debating whether or not Trump is joking about the 51st state. How can we organize such a thing? I am happy to be shot and killed my the US military. We just need to make Americans see us and stand up, they are resisting and they know what is happening, but I believe it will take something more extreme to get them up in arms. I am sure lots of cool internet dudes are going to reply to this “well, why don’t you do something? tough guy.” I wan’t to do something, I just don’t know how, I am asking for suggestions on the how. Maybe I will just go by myself. I will die before I become an American. I cannot believe the evil that I have witnessed in the last month.
Calls for violence are usually illegal in Canada. It’s not the Canadian way. Well, war of 1812 notwithstanding. But it may be a good idea to channel that energy into something structured that could be useful in the future. Join a martial arts class or something and learn to direct it carefully. Enlist in the reserves. Plan for the worst, and hope for the best.
Sure they are illegal, but when we are at war it’s kind of unavoidable. There is no peaceful way out of this situation. I’m not joining a fucking martial arts class, fuck yourself. I will enlist in the ildu if Canada decides not to fight.
ILDU only takes people with combat experience. They aren’t equipped to spend years getting people up to speed. It isn’t a militia.
Joining the reserves and putting yourself through basic, at a minimum, would be a good start.
I saw some discussion of them taking people with no experience for certain rolls like 3d printing/drone building stuff while you get training. But if Canadian leaders get their heads out of there ass, and we decide that we are going to put up a fight, I will enlist here.
I’d like to see Americans actually do something themselves first tbh
Americans are fighting, but they are losing. It is in our best interest to help.
American here. Doing what little I can, but we need help.
The key to overthrowing Trump and the GOP is fucking up our economy, and nothing hits faster and more universally than energy. Push for your legislators to ban the sale of energy, fuel, and minerals to the US.
I will be there with you as I am sure many others will be to. I have been writing the MLAs, the Premier, and the Legislature every day with a count down and a new reason why Scott Moe needs to step down or be removed from his leadership role.
How Saskatchewan elected a drunk murder is a mystery to me.
Good work, although I am pretty convinced that our MLA’s and Premiers have no fucking idea what is going on. Or they are just keeping people in the dark to avoid panic or something. When you try to ring the alarms people just think you’re unhinged and overreacting because you don’t like trump.
What we CAN do is pressure OUR government into implementing a better, more fair voting system than fptp. Then we give conservatives a clear message that we don’t want them. That their policies, values and mentality are not welcome in Canada. Because let’s be real, conservatives are an extension of the republican party.
good one, while we are at it, lets send some strongly worded letters
And to add to what I said, as soon as the Liberals elect their new leader, parliament is going to open again and you can bet a loonie that they’re going to go on a motion of no confidence to trigger new federal elections. And I think the Liberals would actually benefit from a new election. (Not that they’re my favourite party, but anything’s better than the Cons.)
So I think it’s the prime moment to install proportional voting. And make it mandatory FFS!
EDIT : I actually just wrote to our PM through the government website to ask him to urgently act on this.
Mate, the united states is now the leader of the axis of evil. The world order that has made our lives peaceful just collapsed. They just stabbed their ally in the back, flipped sides, and are planning to invade our country. There wont be any elections if we don’t stop Trump. This isn’t about Canadian politics right now. We have to form an army and storm the white house or democracies around the world will fall. Americans are going to have a civil war and we need to fight with them to help them win and eject the traitor.
Bro. That’s an act of war.
So far that orange turd only made threats that he’ll never follow through because of what that imply.
Until there are American military boots stepping across our border, we shouldn’t give them a reason to actually start.
Let’s just remain calm and be prepared. A few people I spoke to are getting their gun license and are thinking of buying a rifle. If you’re really that worried, that’s one way to start.
Ya, we should commit an act of war against the united states. Wait until their civil war starts, and then go to war against the fascists, and help out the real Americans defend their country. Why the fuck would you wait until there are American boots on our border. That is just suicide, we are completely fucked if we wait that long. I am pursuing a gun license as well.
This isn’t Call Of Duty. This is real life. And there’s real consequences to such actions. People don’t respawn IRL.
Like I said, let’s be prepared and wait for them on our own turf. Chances are they’re full of hot air. If not, we’ll be ready.
Let’s hope nothing happens.
it’s just such a deeply fucking unserious idea to wait for them. Like there is no chance in hell that we can do anything if Trump solidifies his power and points the military at Canada. We are not going to be able to get ready. Our only hope is Americans ejecting him from power before that happens. We can help, and increase our chances, or we can sit here and wait and become the 51st state. Whats the point in living if we have to be subjects of fucking Donald Trump. I would WAY rather fucking die.
inb4 permabanned from another platform