Don’t let them move your Overton window. We are not becoming the 51st state. Speculation on what that would look like only gives annexation credibility.
How about instead of trying to guess what Canada would be like we look at how Puerto Rico and Guam literally are.
The fucked up part is that his supporters don’t even see Puerto Rico or Guam as US assets. Because they are simply too ignorant, and for the few that aren’t, those populations are not white enough for them to recognize them as part of the US.
Before him, Conservative may have been leading, but now that Canadians learned what Conservatism really means, they have changed their mind.
A big part of it was Lil PP was drawing the comparisons himself - he’s been drawing from Trump’s populist playbook since the Free Dumb Convoy. Even now, he still has his “Canada First” signs up, a nod to MAGA and the populism that fucked things up for our closest ally and once greatest friend.
Holy fuck is he ever bad at this. You’d better join us because we don’t need you; Conservatives were winning but I don’t know or care; Liberals are easier for me but I don’t know or care; You should vote Conservative because that’ll stop me – but I don’t know or care.
I’m paying very close attention and cannot resist saying things to change the course of events. But I don’t know or care.
This is preteen social strategy. Stomp around for a bit. Yell “Whatever, it doesn’t even matter” loudly enough to make sure everybody heard it, then slam your bedroom door. Don’t worry Dumpster, we’re all very convinced by your passionate apathy.
Easy to not grow up when you’re a neppo baby.
Surely if Canada was absorbed then the provinces would become states? Then he’d be seriously fucked. Why would you have an ultra state that’s like more than half the size of your entire nation? He’s so thick. He’s beyond thick, just a mental sack of coagulated sputum.
No, Canada would become a US territory. They can’t be stupid enough to make Canada a represented state.
Stop dreaming. Canada will never be part of the US in any way, shape or form.
You’re confusing me with someone else. Elbows up!
I call him Mayor Trump
Assistant TO the manager Trump but that gives him too much credit
Frankly super accurate - co-assistant manager to (F)elon
Canada would benefit from a trump prime minister. That’d be interesting.
This guys post history is just… weird. I’m assuming it’s a bot.
Beep boop
Yep…Low IQ indeed,
Low IQ comment from a troll.
Can I just say what a crazy fucking timeline we’re on? Like what the fuck. When I was a kid it was like, oh no bill clinton’s a pervy asshole but still somehow cool. Now we have nazis, social media is owned by billionaires who manipulate people with memes, the earth is boiling and I’m still getting fucking ads for hair removal.
I suggest we all go out for one day, with some snacks to share, and some guillotines, have a party, then agree we all go back to the woods to eat berries and be happy. I don’t even care about the god damn internet and good moisturizer. I would like to sit naked in a bog, eating leaves, and sleep in a tree dreaming of nothing at all.
I would like to sit naked in a bog, eating leaves, and sleep in a tree dreaming of nothing at all.
I mean, go and do that now then.
All the land’s been bought or poisoned.
But the economy
There are no simple solutions to complicated problems. If we tear down the state with violence and no plan to permanently replace it with something better, then we’re just going to increase the gap between the upper class and the lower class.
That’s not very “increasing shareholder value” of you.
If we didn’t have however many billions it is now of people, I’d be all about returning to that hunter gatherer life. Would it be really fucking hard? For sure. Would people die of dumb stuff? Ok maybe we keep like, antibiotics. But I bet cavemen never sat around like, “why am I even continuing to exist in this neverending capitalist nightmare?” They probably didn’t wake up at 3 am every night for weeks because the dread overcame their exhaustion. I will join you in the bog.
They only dreaded the lions as nature intended. I would rather worry about lions than gestures wildly.
I know what you are saying, but consider for a second that the shit we are experiencing today ultimately stems from tribalism. Tribalism existed full well in hunter gatherer societies. In some ways better (no nukes). In other ways, far, far more brutal.
Our Conservatives make the democrats in the US look right wing.
Dumb shit can’t understand that sharing a name doesn’t make them the same.
I don’t think PP is very moderate. But who knows. All he does is pal around with fascist lowlifes, make lame attack ads and parrot MAGA bigotry. He doesn’t actually propose anything positive.
Seriously Bernie Sanders could sit down and have positive dialogue with our conservatives. Americans have no idea how much the Overton Window has been at work there.
And also the large reason the Cons were polling so far in the lead is because of Trudeau fatigue.
Now that he’s gone things have balanced out again.
To be fair, that’s because the US Democrats would be right wing nearly everywhere else on the world. There has been a shit ton of propaganda infrastructure built over the last 60+ years to shift the US spectrum so dramatically to the point a third of the country supports overt fascism while claiming it’s the opposite.
make the democrats in the US look right wing.
No, they do that all by themselves.
DOOCY: Are you concerned that if Canada became the 51st state, it would be a very very blue state?
God, every time the idea is even entertained it annoys me. Canadian politics don’t matter to US politics because we’ll never be USian
The party closest to the Republican’s current form in Canada is People’s Party of Canada. They got less than 5% of the popular votes in the last election.
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