Recently I have been seeing sponsors like skillshare and those malicious adverts talking about making money or picking up women. I want to try something new and legit during the holidays aswell. Is there a website that makes quality courses? And is there a thread outside here that already talked about this?
Courses on picking up women? Avoid!
Big this
Enormous this
Bruh. Have you tried simply talking to women and not being a weirdo about it? If you’re looking for courses on how to pick up women, chances are you haven’t attempted the time honored “treat them like a human being and make them laugh” technique.
I think the talking to women thing is an example of the low brow, easy-to-sell adverts they put out. It don’t sound to me like a course they wanna pick up.
Was about to say, seems like an example of a malicious advert than what they’re actually trying to look for
Udemy has a great piano course that you can pick up cheap (€11ish) if you visit it in incognito mode in your browser it’ll offer you a discount. The course is called piano for all. That’s how I learned and people tell me I’m pretty good.
Courses about how to make money online come down to drop shipping and/or affiliate marketing. But both of those need you to build an audience which is the hardest part, or just flood Facebook with ads, which costs money that people trying to make money…usually don’t have
Picking up women courses. No. Don’t do it. If you can talk to a guy, you can talk to a girl, just don’t be a misogynist or a pushover and you’ll be ahead of the pack. Go to a group in your hobby interest and stay casual.
If you want to learn something useful consider coding or video editing . The video editing course teaches some cool meta skills too like how to move forward in the industry. How to handle screaming bosses etc, which in some ways is more helpful knowledge and can probably help(transfer) a little with your dating life too.
You can find most video lessons on any subject on YouTube for free if you look in the right places. If you are looking for education you can try Khan academy which all the lessons are for free once signed up with an email.
Imagine thinking that a course on picking up women, paid, free, or pirated, was worth your time
I’d prefer not to.
You obviously won’t be able to take the exam or say you’re certified in any way but you can go over the materials at your leisure