I wanted to try out Serato Sample’s new stem separation tool added in 2.0 so I downloaded a crack to see if it was worthwhile.
Only now a week later do I remember I purchased the old version on sale and think to check if it’s a free upgrade.
Now I can’t decide if I want to bother uninstalling and installing my legitimate copy
I’ve done that with console games on multiple occasions. I’ll own a physical copy and already went through the trouble to back up my own copy with my console but I’ll download it anyway
On the off chance the checksum on yours is different, you don’t want it somehow noted and flagged by … anyways, levels of paranoia I get and respect. They can’t take that thumb drive if its air-gapped!! Keep it hidden and safe children, its my legacy!
If I could find a dense and permanent enough storage medium, I would take (a copy of)it all to my grave… Feeling like by the time such reaches consumers at a reasonable price, it will also be able to hold a copy of the Pole Shif Survival Guide.
Do you think I’m worried about Microsoft coming after me for backing up my copy of Halo?
Fuck if I know or care. I was looking for a reason for you to do what you did, not demanding that you provide one.
I make backups in case of disc or disc reader failures and download them through other means on occasion because I can’t be bothered removing the drive from the console or setting up an FTP server.