Back in October, Walled Culture wrote about the grandly-named “Piracy Shield”. This is Italy’s new Internet blocking system, which assumes people are guilty until innocent, and gives the copyright industry a disproportionate power to control what is available online, no court orders required. Piracy Shield went live in December, and has just issued its first …
Yes, but what if the govt just politely tells them “look, we’ve a law about piracy and we think you should block websites at the DNS level like our ISPs are doing”. Do you think Google / Cloudflare will fight it? They already have mechanisms for that in place for parental controls etc. so… the effort of adding a block list for a country shouldn’t be a big deal.
But they don’t want to comply, that’s the point, they don’t need to fight because nobody dares to even suggest something ridiculous like that, and yes they would go to court over that just so their lawyers have something to work on its peanuts for them and they absolutely don’t want anyone to interfere with their stuff.
Its not a big deal from a technical perspective, but for them its a big issue with their beliefs, especially for cloudflare.
And then there are still all the custom DNS that can just go around that all.