What does she mean there was a “generational shift” that led to people burning CDs? Back in the floppy disk days, everyone was copying floppies—I remember when my grandfather bought a Mac to use at home, and immediately his friends at work loaded him up with copied disks. Which generation is she thinking of that wasn’t pirating a ton of software?
Don’t copy that floppy!
I think the generational shift was mostly that the previous generation just didn’t have or use computers at home, and suddenly they were everywhere. Most households just didn’t have a computer until the late 90s or early 00s. By then, floppies were on their way out, and burning CDs was all the rage.
For a class project in college, I made a 5-disk raid-0 out of floppy drives and demo’d the performance by playing a compressed version of “don’t copy that floppy” for the class. Thankfully my lecturer had a sense of humor lol.
Yeah I’m not sure “generational” is the correct term here. It was often the same people living through those eras (and beyond) who were doing the pirating. It wasn’t a generational shift in that different generations were necessary for CDs to get copied; everyone in every generation was changing how they operated as technology changed. Piracy naturally evolved with the times. Because of course it did. Why wouldn’t it?
The heady days of using Copy-b and Copy-c in the Commodore 64 days. Back when floppies were really floppies.
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Obligatory Goldberg link since lots of people these days are still unaware that SteamWorks DRM is easily bypassed these days (you don’t even need to patch the files, you can just bypass it).