I have bought a font with a really shitty license agreement and I have a couple of questions.

  1. How can I best share the font with the community? (I am afraid of metadata in the font files, which may be tied to my payment account etc. - I had to register and log in to download the ttf files)

  2. How can I remove the DSIG and other metadata from the ttf file while keeping it usable?

  3. Are they able to detect it if I use the font in a commercial product online by crawling my website and if yes, how could I prevent an automatic detection attempt?

To my (and possibly your) surprise, I didn’t find any free downloads of the font online. Their license is tied to a personal account, you have to log into once a year to keep the license. As far as I understand they theoretically could use the DSIG to let the ttf files “expire”, at least when used in software that verifies the signature. But I may be wrong, please let me know.

Thanks in advance and cheers-I mean ARR

  • ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I use Adobe CuckCloud at work on my boss’ subscription. For personal stuff I have the Affinity suite. I know it’s also proprietary, but it’s a one-time purchase, and more importantly, not Adobe.

    Man I tried using Inkscape to make a small icon and it took me maybe 30 mins to do something that would have taken less than two minutes with Illustrator. I know there’s a learning curve to all software, but my experience was very bad. Pretty much every hotkey I wanted to use was different from its Illustrator counterpart. And even looking past that, the interface was horribly laggy on my machine. I have no idea what made the UI refresh at like 20fps but tolerating it was untenable for me.

    I’ll probably try it on another computer, and remap the hotkeys I use the most. If/when I eventually ditch Windows for Linux, I’ll need something that works, since Affinity’s stuff is Windows + Mac only.